*Cities and towns under the krai's jurisdiction: * *Barnaul (Барнаул) (administrative center) * * *''city districts'': * * * *Industrialny (Индустриальный) * * * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the city district's jurisdiction: * * * * * *Novosilikatny (Новосиликатный) * * * * *with 1 ''rural administration'' under the city district's jurisdiction. * * * *Leninsky (Ленинский) * * * * *with 1 ''rural administration'' under the city district's jurisdiction. * * * *Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский) * * * *Tsentralny (Центральный) * * * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the city district's jurisdiction: * * * * * *Yuzhny (Южный) * * * * *with 2 ''rural administrations'' under the city district's jurisdiction. * * * *Zheleznodorozhny (Железнодорожный) * *Aleysk (Алейск) * *Belokurikha (Белокуриха) * *Biysk (Бийск) * *Kamen-na-Obi (Камень-на-Оби) * *Novoaltaysk (Новоалтайск) * *Rubtsovsk (Рубцовск) * *Slavgorod (Славгород) * *Yarovoye (Яровое) * *Zarinsk (Заринск) *Urban-type settlements under the krai's jurisdiction: * *Sibirsky (ZATO) (ЗАТО Сибирский) *Districts: * *Aleysky (Алейский) * * *with 19 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Altaysky (Алтайский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Bayevsky (Баевский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Biysky (Бийский) * * *with 15 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Blagoveshchensky (Благовещенский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Blagoveshchenka (Благовещенка) * * * *Stepnoye Ozero (Степное Озеро) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Burlinsky (Бурлинский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Bystroistoksky (Быстроистокский) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Charyshsky (Чарышский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kalmansky (Калманский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kamensky (Каменский) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Khabarsky (Хабарский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Klyuchevsky (Ключевский) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kosikhinsky (Косихинский) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krasnogorsky (Красногорский) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krasnoshchyokovsky (Краснощёковский) * * *with 14 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Krutikhinsky (Крутихинский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kulundinsky (Кулундинский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kuryinsky (Курьинский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Kytmanovsky (Кытмановский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Loktevsky (Локтевский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Gornyak (Горняк) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Mamontovsky (Мамонтовский) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Mikhaylovsky (Михайловский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Malinovoye Ozero (Малиновое Озеро) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Nemetsky (German) National (Немецкий Национальный) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the national district's jurisdiction. * *Novichikhinsky (Новичихинский) * * *with 7 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pankrushikhinsky (Панкрушихинский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pavlovsky (Павловский) * * *with 15 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pervomaysky (Первомайский) * * *with 18 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Petropavlovsky (Петропавловский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Pospelikhinsky (Поспелихинский) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Rebrikhinsky (Ребрихинский) * * *with 16 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Rodinsky (Родинский) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Romanovsky (Романовский) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Rubtsovsky (Рубцовский) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Shelabolikhinsky (Шелаболихинский) * * *with 10 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Shipunovsky (Шипуновский) * * *with 19 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Smolensky (Смоленский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Soloneshensky (Солонешенский) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Soltonsky (Солтонский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Sovetsky (Советский) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Suyetsky (Суетский) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tabunsky (Табунский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Talmensky (Тальменский) * * *''Urban-type settlements'' under the district's jurdisdiction: * * * *Talmenka (Тальменка) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Togulsky (Тогульский) * * *with 5 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Topchikhinsky (Топчихинский) * * *with 17 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tretyakovsky (Третьяковский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Troitsky (Троицкий) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tselinny (Целинный) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Tyumentsevsky (Тюменцевский) * * *with 14 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Uglovsky (Угловский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Ust-Kalmansky (Усть-Калманский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Ust-Pristansky (Усть-Пристанский) * * *with 13 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Volchikhinsky (Волчихинский) * * *with 11 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Yegoryevsky (Егорьевский) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Yeltsovsky (Ельцовский) * * *with 6 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Zalesovsky (Залесовский) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Zarinsky (Заринский) * * *with 20 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Zavyalovsky (Завьяловский) * * *with 12 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Zmeinogorsky (Змеиногорский) * * *''Towns'' under the district's jurisdiction: * * * *Zmeinogorsk (Змеиногорск) * * *with 8 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. * *Zonalny (Зональный) * * *with 9 ''selsovets'' under the district's jurisdiction. ==References== 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Administrative divisions of Altai Krai」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク